Category: Episode

  • The Silver Key

    Listen The Storage Papers is a fiction horror podcast. Discretion is advised. Transcript WRITTEN BY NATHAN LUNSFORD Thomas looked back and forth from key to key, gold to silver and back again. To him, they seemed so small within Cain’s already smaller-than-human hands, yet felt to be the biggest choices of his life. ‘Either way,…

  • The Gold Key

    Listen The Storage Papers is a fiction horror podcast. Discretion is advised. Transcript WRITTEN BY JEREMY ENFINGER In his mind, Thomas wavered between causing problems for those charities that take most of the money they collect and pocket it versus ensuring his family prospered.   On one hand, there are charities doing great things and they’re…

  • The Two Keys

    Listen The Storage Papers is a fiction horror podcast. Discretion is advised. Transcript WRITTEN BY JEREMY ENFINGER Times were tough that Christmas. Thomas Wright worked a seasonal job to help his family pay the bills. He was 16 years old and his parents each worked two jobs to support him and his two younger sisters,…

  • 4.11 El Campo

    4.11 El Campo

    Listen The Storage Papers is a fiction horror podcast. Discretion is advised. Transcript WRITTEN BY JEREMY ENFINGER Welcome back everyone.  I suppose I owe you an update given the way the last episode ended.  If you don’t recall, I ended up passing out and woke up in the emergency room.  They decided to admit me…

  • 4.10.1 Character Recap

    Listen The Storage Papers is a fiction horror podcast. Discretion is advised. Transcript WRITTEN BY JEREMY ENFINGER Before we continue pushing forward with Season 4, a few people I’ve connected with in the community have suggested a recap of events and characters may be in order, and I can understand why.  When I started this…

  • Contest Winner: Bad Day For a Jog

    Listen The Storage Papers is a fiction horror podcast. Discretion is advised. Transcript WRITTEN BY ANNA Q October 15, 2021 Dream Journal Entry 288/365 Do you ever have those dreams where you’re not sure that you’re in a dream until you wake up? I do all the time. Sometimes they feel so real that I…

  • 4.10 Who Do You Trust?

    4.10 Who Do You Trust?

    Listen The Storage Papers is a fiction horror podcast. Discretion is advised. Transcript WRITTEN BY JEREMY ENFINGER Hi everyone, I know this episode is coming out later than scheduled, but hopefully you’ll understand the reason for it when you hear what’s been going on with me toward the end of today’s episode.  Thanks for hanging…

  • Halloween 2022: Feed the Bones

    Listen The Storage Papers is a fiction horror podcast. Discretion is advised. Transcript WRITTEN BY NATHAN LUNSFORD MALCOLM: Hello, Jeremy. This is quite the lovely home you have here. I hope you don’t mind. The door wasn’t quite closed— well, maybe that’s not entirely true, but it was easy enough for someone like little old…

  • Halloween 2022: Double Booked (Phonic Fiction Fest)

    Listen The Storage Papers is a fiction horror podcast. Discretion is advised. Transcript WRITTEN BY JEREMY ENFINGER, Joshua Alkema, Nate Davis, Alexandra Paige Levine, and Skyler Giordano The Arrival  [Car tires on asphalt, soft wind blows past a car in motion. Inside, a podcast can be heard over the vehicle speakers, narration over music.]  [PODCAST…

  • Halloween 2022: The Party

    Listen The Storage Papers is a fiction horror podcast. Discretion is advised. Transcript WRITTEN BY JEREMY ENFINGER SCENE 1: RESERVATION: FATHER / MARGARETEXT: HEAVY RAIN AND THUNDER AS FATHER AND DAUGHTER, MARGARET, APPROACH LUCIUS’S FRONT DOOR. MARGARET: I’m scared, father. FATHER: Oh Margaret, there’s really no reason to be. MARGARET: But what if he doesn’t…