Author: Nathan
Halloween 2021: Depraved
Well, it’s time for some Halloween bonus material for all of you listeners. Halloween is a special time of year where we at The Storage Papers like to give a little bit of extra content… and we like to step things up a bit too. What I mean to say is, well, these episodes are…
3.12 Every Night I Die In My Sleep
“Every night I die in my sleep.” I’d be lying if I said that sentence didn’t immediately catch my eye as I pored over the countless papers from the storage unit – something it feels like I had bid on a lifetime ago. There’s a small stack of papers, but on top of them is…
3.11 Abandoned
Welcome back. As some of you know if you’re on The Storage Papers’ social media, I’ve dabbled in visiting places for the purposes of paranormal research – or as it’s more commonly called: ghost hunting. Some places can certainly be quite spooky, especially the long abandoned buildings like old hospitals. This paper recounts a statement…
3.10 A House on the Corner
Welcome back to The Storage Papers. This week’s episode is actually an update from Brianne. She’d told me part of this already, but she recently emailed me the whole story. You may recall at the end of the episode [1:06] there was a part of a phone call between us. There was a little more…
The Storage Papers 2021 Writing Contest
That’s right, we’ve launched our first writing contest where we look for new horrors from you, are dear listeners. Looking for a chance to hear your words on the podcast? Now’s the time! Entries are now open! Visit our official Contest page to review submission guidelines, terms, and conditions, then enter the contest!
3.09 106
Today I’m going to be skipping my usual introduction to what I’m about to read, more or less, because I’ll have much more to say about this particular set of papers afterwards. So, with no further ado, I’ll begin. It started with a phone call. Their exact words were unimportant, but the directive was clear.…
3.08 The Backwards Man
This week’s episode comes from a few documents which were grouped together in a single folder within the papers. As I mentioned previously, I’ve been able to create some level of organization but it’s still quite a work in progress. All of these documents had a peculiar symbol on them. That of a seven-fingered hand…
3.07 Spring Break
The more I look into the papers, the more I’ve become aware of my surroundings. It doesn’t matter whether you live downtown in a loft overlooking the city, if you’re in the suburbs where kids are outside chasing each other around until the street lights come on, or whether you’re in a quiet, rural area…
3.06 C.O.M.
Today was interesting to say the least. It started as any other day would, but by now, three little letters will be etched into my mind forever. I woke up, did the morning shower and breakfast routine, then headed out to work. It was early afternoon when my boss, Judy, knocked on my partially cracked…
3.05 The Mirrored Woman
Along with my update from the break, I wanted to share a document with you that I believe relates to some of the others I have planned to share with you this season. Now, we all dream. Sometimes we remember our dreams and others, not so much, but science tells us it happens despite our…