Author: Nathan

  • Halloween 2022: The Party

    Listen The Storage Papers is a fiction horror podcast. Discretion is advised. Transcript WRITTEN BY JEREMY ENFINGER SCENE 1: RESERVATION: FATHER / MARGARETEXT: HEAVY RAIN AND THUNDER AS FATHER AND DAUGHTER, MARGARET, APPROACH LUCIUS’S FRONT DOOR. MARGARET: I’m scared, father. FATHER: Oh Margaret, there’s really no reason to be. MARGARET: But what if he doesn’t…

  • Contest Winner: Summer Reading Champion

    Listen The Storage Papers is a fiction horror podcast. Discretion is advised. Transcript WRITTEN BY ALEX KINGSLEY Hello everyone. Due to the nature of how the last episode ended, I am unfortunately not yet able to give you episode ten, the mid-season finale. Instead, I’m recording this brief intro from a hospital bed and I’ll…

  • 4.09 The Man at the Hotel

    4.09 The Man at the Hotel

    Listen The Storage Papers is a fiction horror podcast. Discretion is advised. Transcript WRITTEN BY JEREMY ENFINGER After our last episode, I’ve been contemplating a lot of claims found in those medical documents. I don’t mean to push everything else aside that we learned, but the possibility of knowing who my parents are, the idea…

  • 4.08 Maker 22

    4.08 Maker 22

    Listen The Storage Papers is a fiction horror podcast. Discretion is advised. Transcript WRITTEN BY JEREMY ENFINGER SOUND: Brianne is typing again. BRIANNE:  Jeremy, you’re listed here as a Maker, too. SOUND: A mouse is double-clicked. BRIANNE: Your whole life is here, Jeremy.  Your childhood, your birth certificate…your parents’ names! I can’t seem to take…

  • 4.07 The Pyramidion

    4.07 The Pyramidion

    Listen The Storage Papers is a fiction horror podcast. Discretion is advised. Transcript WRITTEN BY JEREMY ENFINGER SOUND: A phone is ringing. JEREMY: Hello? DETECTIVE ANDERSON: Oh thank God you’re okay!  I was about to come looking for you. Ron has been calling you, too.  Turn on Channel Eight News! JEREMY: Okay, I’m watching. It’s…

  • 4.06 The Dependents

    Listen The Storage Papers is a fiction horror podcast. Discretion is advised. Transcript EDITOR’S NOTE: This episode contains a story by the contest winner of Beyond the Papers: ‘Up at the Reservoir’ by Lou Sutcliffe. Oh how far we’ve come.  By “we,” I mean you–the listeners–and me.  I’m finding myself conflicted lately about my involvement…

  • 4.05 The Summoning

    Welcome back to The Storage Papers.  While the search for Brianne continues, I just want you to know that I’ve exhausted all methods of communication at my disposal, as has Ron and now Detective Anderson.  A missing persons report was filed shortly after the release of our last episode… and now, I guess we just…

  • 4.04 Subject 14-3

    I can’t recall any time I’ve been threatened in my past.  Malcolm’s prediction that I’m going to be dead soon couldn’t be based on any facts that he’s aware of.  No, he’s just trying to get in my head.  It’s not like he can predict the future, right?  Still, I wonder if he’s somehow been…

  • 4.03 Malcolm

    Before I get started on this week’s episode, I wanted to thank everyone for sticking around for season three of The Storage Papers.  It’s been difficult. At points it’s even been downright terrifying. And it means a lot to know I’m not going about this alone. Throughout the last couple of seasons you’ve shared a…

  • 4.02 Confession

    Everyone has their own set of buttons that can be pushed, and everyone has a breaking point.  It’s one thing to experience just one tiny, little thing that bothers you.  It’s easy to ignore, to simply look the other way.  I’m conflicted in the lessons I grew up with in church, with the whole “what…